Wyatt James Toombs is my middle grandchild, my oldest grandson and a great little buddy!
I snapped this more than "close up" of him while the two of us were out back in my garage "buildin'" and "fixin" stuff.
I love these times with my grandchildren.
Of course, we had found the time to take a break or two for a cookie snack (note the condition of Wyatt's mouth--clear evidence of our mutual love of cookies!).
I'm not sure why, possibly it is my advancing age, but whenever I am with these amazing children, I think about two other things:
1) all of the other children and grandchildren of all the other parents and grandparents across the country and around the world, and
2) the future all of these children will face and with which they will have to deal.
Both thought tracks tend to sober me up.
No one has ever had sweeter, better, more wonderful grand kids than me! As soon as I feel or say something like that, I know that I've lost my crazy, grand dad mind again.
Weird how that works.
That assessment is both completely true, at least for me, and completely false, if I am talking to you and you are a grandparent too!
The grander truth is simply that every child is a treasure worthy of our best efforts at crafting a better and more wonderful world today.
The future is important because of the sacred nature of every life. People matter more than anything else.
What we do today, those battles we fight and those issues we address, will largely determine the kind of world our little ones inherit from us.
Wyatt, Gracie and, now, little Owen force these important thoughts on my heart, mind and soul.
Lots to live for here and out your way as well.
Data needed: if you are reading this post, take a moment and respond with at least one word--the name of the city, town, state or nation where you live.
Abilene, Texas
Larry, you're not completely nuts. He really is a good-lookin' boy. Enjoy those cookies! Oh, Amarillo, TX
Coppell, Texas
San Antonio, TX
Burbank, CA
Windsor, CT
Jackson, MS
Richardson, TX
Abilene, TX
Middletown,New Jersey
Waco, Tx
Dallas, TX
Madison, AL
Farmers Branch, TX
Absolutely adorable!
Fort Collins, CO.
Searcy, AR
College Station, Tx
Athens, AL
Phoenix, AZ
Dallas, Texas (but I wish I was in California!)
Austin, TX yee-haw!
Gresham, Oregon (That's OH-ree-gun) to you Texans.
Larry, you are an inspiration to me, every day. Thanks for taking the time every day to blog your journey, and teaching with your example.
Las Vegas, NV
Searcy, AR
Montgomery, Al
Old East Dallas, baby
Larry Wishard, Denver.
I'm a grandad too. Loved the article.
Pascagoula, Mississippi
Irving, Texas
Oklahoma City
Richardson, Texas
Looking forward to taking my mother-in-law to Vince Gill for her 88th birthday monday.
Abilene, TX
Thanks for all you and Central Dallas Ministries do. You are so right. Grandkids are truly magic. Looking forward to Vince Gill on Monday.
Stephenville, Texas
Rowlett, TX
Fort Worth!
Chicago, IL
Oak Ridge, TN Go Vols!
Please give that sweet boy a hug for me - and enjoy all those moments with him! - Dallas, TX
Plano, TX
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Amarillo, TX
Abilene, TX
Hey Larry, you can add some code from statcounter.com to your site and have geaographic information on all your visitors. You can also see their referring links... No personal info is included, of course.
Just thought that it may help. I've been using it forever.
Brentwood, Tennessee
Nashville, Tenn.
Atlanta, GA
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