Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Community Pandemic, What's Ahead

This just in from our friends at the DFW Hospital Council:  

The Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council wants to remind you of public health considerations as we approach the fall and have three viruses ( COVID-19, West Nile and Influenza ) in North Texas. 

Please pass this information to your friends, family and business associates, especially on social media. These three diseases display many of the same symptoms, so prevention is key in reducing the spread.

 Wear a mask

Wash your hands

Watch Your distance

Get your flu shot early

Remove standing water on your property

Wear long sleeve shirts

Utilize insect repellent


We need to be prepared for the triple threat and we can help tap down the community spread of these viruses if we all work together to protect each other.


Thanks for your cooperation and support.


W. Stephen Love


Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council

300 Decker Drive, Suite 300

Fairway Centre Building

Irving, Texas 75062

Telephone ( 972 ) 719 4900


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