Thursday, March 29, 2007

Community Health Services at CDM

Since 1990, Central Dallas Ministries has been involved in bringing medical, health care and wellness initiatives to our community.

As you might expect, in the early days we offered fairly primitive services that would put you in mind of M.A.S.H.! Our operations back then were high touch and long on love!

Today, our family practice aims to provide a "medical home" to each of our patients. Thanks to our partnership with the Baylor Health Care System and Health Texas Provider Network, we now have three full-time physicians and a practice administrator working with us every day.

Our growth has been amazing.

This graph represents our trek from 1998 through 2006. Last year we enjoyed over 20,000 patient visits in our East Dallas clinic. Our pharmacy filled about the same number of prescriptions last year, as well.

Our annual budget on the CDM side for medical and wellness services comes is right at $1 million for 2007.

Thanks to those of you who help support this important part of our community building effort.

1 comment:

Lisa Wallace said...

The health services you provide are vital to the improvement of the lives of those you serve. So many people do not qualify for government assistance because they are above the bar of the current means testing. Children and elderly persons who fall into low economic categories usually qualify for Medicaid and CHIPS. However, the adults who are often times caring for these children and sometimes the elderly live without any medical assistance. It is very difficult to improve you life circumstances if you are in poor health and lack any form of medical attention. Blessing to you all in the wonderful work that you do!