Dallas boils this time of year.
For some reason--is it my advanced age? global warming? general fatigue?--it seems hotter this year than ever!
I can't quite figure out why I live in such a hot place.
Habit, heritage, history, hope--who knows.
At times like this I really wonder.
I mean after awhile the city wears on a person anyway. Add in the heat and, well, let's just say I can get real cranky!
A radio reporter from one of our local stations, WBAP 820 AM, called me last week. He was doing a story on the heat wave and the homeless.
I wasn't able to reach him for a couple of days and by the time we spoke, he had completed his story.
I didn't hear his report.
But, he took the correct approach. He went out onto the street and interview some people who had no home. Novel idea. Talk to the people with the problem, not the people who think they know what to do about it!
Predictable outcome, actually.
They all told him it was hot as blazes and summer is tough. In its own way, tough or tougher than winter. Water is an issue. Shade is a concern. Bathing is more crucial.
Sad stuff. . .in an obscenely rich town with a church on every corner and a politician behind every bush--have you read about how many people are running for mayor in our fair city?
"Sad stuff" just adds to the heat index in my way of thinking.
So, I must admit when it gets this hot, I throw in the towel.
I go bear hunting.
Wanna join me?
Take a summer getaway break right now.
Beat the heat!
Here's how.
Scroll down my page past most of the news and publication links to the last one, the one that reads "Wildcam Grizzlies.com."
I picked this site up from The Today Show and National Geographic. It is a real winner. Er, uh, a real cool site!
That is the one you want. Click and enjoy!
Real time camera, trained on bears in Alaska, fishing their hearts out.
Hey, its a break. A real cool down.
It won't kill you to take a few moments and watch the bears.
Listen to the water.
Consider the amazing nature of this place we all call home.
When you go back to work in the blasted heat, think of how much greater value are the people around you in your city or town.
Interesting how even bears can form a community!
Fortunately it has not been AS hot here in Milwaukee. We did have three days about a week and a half ago where it was 93 or so and it was miserable. We do not have AC either at home or work. Now it is back to normal (low to mid 80's and at times cooler).
The link for the bears is "cool" and I am going to book mark it.
My latest blog is about "God and the City." It is short an not quite as sophisticated as your posts but you might find it interesting.
May God bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you and your ministy . . . especially in the heat.
Bobby Valentine
It has been equally hot up here in Portland, Oregon. It's been over 100 degrees for the last few days, but thankfully it is cooling down. I am praying for you and your mission to the homeless.
God Bless!!
Hey Larry-
I called you to get some ideas for some good books on urban ministry. Also check out the link on my latest blog post(www.chrisfield.blogspot.com) and let me know what you think if you get a chance. Blessings.
Larry, and anyone else interested in church - gov't assistances - got a long, but thought provoking read at my site:http://redheaded-step-child.blogspot.com/2006/07/in-words-of-natalie-grant.html
I'm a young, Christian,service worker, within the local government *gasp* in need of some encouragement - and would appreciate your thoughts.
I'm lovin' these grizzly bears! It feels cooler just hearing the water rushing by... Thanks for a day brightener!
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