Saturday, September 01, 2007

Vacations past. . .

Speaking of vacations, renewal and the benefits, luxuries and privileges of the middle class. . .

For years, when our girls were young, we spent at least a week or two each summer in and around the location pictured here.

Great memories!

Great scenery.

Pretty good trout fishing across the years.

Wonderfully relaxing.

Can anyone tell me where these photos were taken?

By the way, the really old shot was taken long before my birth!


Anonymous said...

Creede, Colorado.

Anonymous said...

Madrid, NM

Janet Morrison-Lane said...

I don't know where it is, but I sure hope you're going to tell us. That may need to be my next vacation spot!! :)

Larry James said...

Winner: Creede, CO

Anonymous said...

That's pretty crazy. I thought, "if it isn't creede, that's sure what it reminds me of." That is where my family went on vacation every year from when i was about 8-14 or so. Good memories is right!

Anonymous said...

Eureka Springs