During the first quarter of 2008, visits to our Resource Center by individuals and families seeking assistance with food and living expenses increased by over 30% compared to the same time period this time last year.
The increase is both amazing and a very real cause for concern.
Growing numbers of working people are not doing very well. And, it appears that the numbers are growing.
Take a look at the following report to read more about a spreading national trend:
This is the news from Dallas, Texas.
What's the word from your community?
Grain prices have doubled due to the gov ethanol mandates and subsides. Yet, they add almost nothing in net energy availability.
Third world food riots will increase. Insanity.
Instant gratification is the fuel in the poverty spiral. How are payday lenders differert from dope dealers?
Isn't it nice that financial predators have found work-from-home contractors to do their spam and get around verification?
The Jackson, MS community is seeing a similar trend. The community organizations I work with on an almost daily basis are being overwhelmed with need requests and are having difficulty meeting needs. Some organizations have completely altered their model and criteria for providing support. In some cases they will only provide assistance if the requester can provide documentation for a "life emergency". This means those that have been in poverty for awhile are going unsupported.
While our housing market is fairly similar to Dallas, we haven't taken such a huge hit as other communities have, but we still have a tremendous shortage of affordable housing units in this community. HUD doesn't even add names to the waiting list for the voucher program anymore. Apartments have 6 month waiting lists. People who lose their homes end up stuck in shelters for long periods of time.
My church has taken an active role in providing housing and assistance to those in need, but the scale of the problem is such that no single church or community group can solve the problem. We need more help than that.
I am removing the posts from people who are trying to push their business--a very unsavory one, I might add: payday loans. Thanks to the rest of you who are serious about the issues here.
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