Sunday, May 05, 2013

Sunday assignment

Step one:  read Revelation 18

Step two:  ponder each word and phrase, underlining the most interesting words and phrases

Step three:  summarize the chapter in one sentence


1)  What dominates the reason for the great agony and mourning in these words?

2)  What is the place/position of great wealth in this part of the story?

3)  Is economic power a problem here?

4)  In what way do various actors "commit fornication" in the story line?

5)  Is the focus of this chapter sex or economics?

6)  What role does wealth and economic power play in this story of failure and defeat?

7)  What does the chapter seem to reveal about God's attitude toward wealth and its power?

8)  Where are "the poor" in this vision of the community in question?

Finally:  what is the "takeaway" for you?


Anonymous said...

Two people I respect had different opinions of Rev.18. One thought it referred to the downfall of imperial Rome, the other as a result of Apostate Christianity or a combination thereof.

Anonymous said...

OK. So what? Now, answer the questions. Your response is why the real meanings are so often lost. Who is in mind here as Babylon doesn't matter to current application. Answer Larry's questions! can you?

Anonymous said...

As with much a Revelation, I first finish reading and think "huh?" But reading it again, and understanding the historical background (assuming Babylon means Rome), it sure sounds like what the speaker is upset about is not their personal morals, but the social implications of amassing great personal wealth and living in luxury. If so, that certainly has something to say to 21st Century Americans.

Eliyahu said...

The writer knew that it all came down to the ultimate weapon. In his (assuming the writer was male) day, that ultimate weapon was a large, well-organized and well-equipped army. He knew Rome would fall, just as Babylon had, if it failed to increase the extent to which each of its individuals were given respect.

The same remains true today, simply more obviously so: the sooner we realize that each individual has her or his finger upon the button, the sooner we protect ourselves from absolute destruction.