You probably know the moment.
After a long, long wait--three hours can seem like a week when you are waiting on a definitive report from a surgical suite--the doctor appears.
You spot him long before he recognizes you.
You are ready to hear something. . .you think.
When he smiles upon recognizing you, your breath returns to your body and you try to soak up every word of the good news you know is coming.
We got that good news Thursday about 3:15 p.m.
Brenda's surgery to remove her thyroid was a complete success. Dr. Gottleib believes the rather large tumor he removed will test benign. If it does not, he assures us that it will not return and that he was able to remove it all. His initial optimistic prognosis seems to be holding true.
We are very grateful. . .
. . .for friends and strangers who prayed.
. . .for loved ones who sat with us or dropped in to check on us.
. . .for children and family who are always "there."
Brenda came home yesterday shortly before noon. She is sleeping as I type.
We know that moments and events like this don't always end so well.
Many times the doctor doesn't smile.
Far too often the tears aren't from joy and they can't seem to find a stopping place.
I have given up attempting to understand these things.
It is not in me anymore to be philosophical or theological or even theoretical.
I'm just thankful. And yet, I'm mindful of both blessing and loss in this life.
This is wonderful news. May health and happiness continue to fill your house for many years!
Praise God Larry. Thanks for the update.
Great news! Glad to hear it.
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