John Greenan and I have been partners (some would say "in crime") in one fashion or another since 1999. That was the year that John and Ken Koonce founded Central Dallas Ministries' public interest law firm. John had practiced law with both large firms and in his own firm before leaving that career track to work with low-income folks full-time.
Then, about five years ago, John made another shift. This time inside the world of CDM.
Responding to a short "white paper" I had written about our community's expressed desire for improved and affordable housing, John went to work to found the Central Dallas Community Development Corporation. These days John leads that organization as its Executive Director.
I don't mean to embarrass him, but Greenan is an amazing guy. He can turn a wild idea--and the two of us seem to have no shortage of those--into a feasible reality quicker than any person I've ever known!
He's the brains behind our Downtown project, CityWalk@Akard. He's guided that deal through every exciting, torturous step so far! If we prove successful in this endeavor, it will be because of John's leadership.
More recently, John proposed a gated community of small, single-family cottages for the homeless at a perfect location out in a North Dallas neighborhood. The neighbors didn't much like it, but it was a fantastic plan. No telling what might have happened if they had given him a chance to explain!
John is a great lawyer. He also has a graduate degree in comparative literature. And, he seems to know something interesting about just about everything! He also is a canoe addict! When under stress, John simply buys another canoe. At last count, I think he had nine! Not long ago he was considering buying a canoe factory to bring to inner city Dallas as a jobs center!
Pragmatic, smart, hard working (never seen anyone work harder) and creative, I'm glad to call this guy friend and partner!
By the way, if you ever meet John ask him about the craziest thing he ever did while a student at Michigan State!
I think John Greenan is pretty awesome also. I am not just stating that since I have worked with him since 2002, 6 feet away. So far, the journey has been quite interesting. I love John for his vision. Please note we both love the Dallas Mavericks!!!!
sometimes people are not who or what they seem
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