Great company!
Great partners!
If you need a crack graphics firm, contact me and I will put you in touch with Ken and Becky Phillips, the principals.
But, here's the deal today.
I have posted several logos they have developed for our CityWalk @Akard project in Downtown Dallas.
CityWalk @Akard will be developed into 209 apartment units, 200 of which will be affordable, with 50 set aside for formerly homeless persons. Nine of the units will be market rate.
CDM will also occupy the third floor with our administrative offices, LAW Center and CDC.
CDM will also occupy the third floor with our administrative offices, LAW Center and CDC.
What I'd like to know right now is which logo do you like best? The color schemes could change, so don't worry about that, just the design.
Please take a moment and cast your vote! Review the logos with the one at the top being #1 and descending through #4 at the bottom. I would love to hear from as many of you as possible on this one!

Please take a moment and cast your vote! Review the logos with the one at the top being #1 and descending through #4 at the bottom. I would love to hear from as many of you as possible on this one!

I prefer the third one.
My second choice would be the simple first one.
The second one is too chunky. The fourth one not simple enough.
Third one as well.
Is this just the logo for the building?
Or are there going to be Web sites, newsletters, letterhead and other items?
Who is the primary target for the logo -- tenants? donors? staff?
I assume you've asked this target their opinions... but here are mine, as none of these and just a blog reader:
1. This one is nice and clean. Would probably look good on a banner or poster. Looks a little bit too much like a street sign to go on the building, though.
2. I really like this one. It has a nice retro feel to it that complements that one image of the building I could find. My only question is why they used an "a" in a circle rather than the "@" sign?
3. I like the layout of the text better on this one than on #2. However, the picture looks a bit goofy. I don't think you need a full image of the building ON the building.
4. I am not a fan of the huge button.
If I have to pick one as is, I say #2. If I could, I would take the text of #3 and the layout of #2.
I think I like #3 the best, then #1 after that.
I like 1 and 4 in case the plan ever changes and the name applies to more or less than that building. Of those, I prefer #1. I suppose my ranking would be 1, 4, 3, 2.
I like #3.
I prefer the second one. I think the building in third one looks too industrial, like a factory or something. And I prefer the shape of the second one.
I like #2 the best! It's retro and I think it is a nice reflection of the building. I agree that it should be the @ symbol and not the a in a circle.
I like number two because of the identity of it being about the facility. However, I like the text of four better.
Number 3 is the winner!
I like the third one down. It has the building and the streets.
I'm torn between #2 and #3. I like the close up of the building with a cloud in the background in #2, but I like the shape of #3.
#2 or #3
#3... Fo Sho.
But #2 is alright as well. I just have a tedency to lean toward's capital letters in logos.
However, I really like the close up of the building.
I like #2. I think the @ sign would look better, but I'm guessing that it's an a with a circle because of the font.
Hands down, #1
I'd say #3 is best as a logo for a building. It's clean, the text is bold. The vertical orientation seems appropriate for a tower complex. #2 is also nice. The curves and typeface say friendly and welcoming whereas #3 says powerful and trustworthy. #2 looks like it would be better on a T-shirt or accessory as opposed to a building and printed materials. I would vote for #3, but soften it somewhat by rounding off the sharp point or adding a cloud. I don't like the cut off pyrimid thing in #1 and #4.
I like #2.
Btw, Dad, the second jt is me. :)
Hey, "my jt"! Thanks for your comments! Love you!
#1 looks the most real-estate-ish to me. #2 and #3 look like restaurant or tourist destination logos to me.
I vote for #1! It's clear and simple and adaptable to any number of applications.
Number 2 then number 3.
qqroaorder: 2,3,1,4
Hi Larry,
jt makes some great points about application.
I like #1 and #3, however I would modify #3 to the font used in #1, loose the "industrial building" in the foreground and add the cloud used in #2.
Why? The font in #3 looks arrogant, and I intially "citywalk" as "catwalk".
The forward building does look industrial - dirty.
The addtion of the cloud conveys optimism.
But I like the power #3 conveys over the cartoonish appearance of #2.
I like #2, #3 second choice. The square graphic in #1&4 is too simple windows clip art or bullet looking. Look forward to seeing the job come to completion!
I vote as well for #3, but changing the font and adding a cloud would give it a better feel.
nathan turner
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