Monday, July 02, 2007

ABC News: Children and Health Care--Part 1

Interested in learning more about the reality of American health care for children and families?

Over the next few days we'll take a look at four reports that will be more than instructive.

ABC News has just completed the series of stories on the crisis related to the nine million children in America who remain uninsured, highlighting the various barriers that keep families from being able to get and keep health insurance for their children.

We provide medical services for some of these children every day here at Central Dallas Ministries. As a matter of fact, our patient waiting areas overflow daily with families like those seen in the ABC report.

Here's the link for our first report (please forgive the short commerical at the beginning of the video report!):

"Some Kids Die in Insurance Gap" (June 3)

Let me know your reactions.

We can do better! We must do better!


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