Saturday, July 21, 2007

YouTube Presidential Debates

CNN has come up with a new to-the-people format for two coming Presidential debates.

On next Monday, July 23, Democratic candidates for President will engage in what will undoubtedly be a very lively debate. Questions will come directly from people all across the nation via the interesting media provided by YouTube!

Ordinary people post their questions with all the charm, particularity, creativity and passion that YouTube video can deliver.

Questions will cover all the hot and, possibly, not so hot topics of the day: Iraq, health care, Katrina, international relief, religion, civil liberties and rights, gay marriage, abortion, Israel, Darfur and many others.

Truth be known, I bet these candidates hate this form of debate! Talk about no ability to control the discussion. Likely just what we need.

Here's what CNN had up on its website last weeek:

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Get your first glimpse at some of the YouTube submissions for July’s CNN-YouTube Democratic presidential debate – the first in history to be driven by user-generated video questions.

here to view the latest submissions and add yours.

CNN and YouTube’s live forum will feature video questions submitted to YouTube and answered by Democratic and Republican candidates live on CNN. CNN’s Anderson Cooper will moderate the two two-hour debates and pose follow-up questions.

The Democratic debate, the first Democratic National Committee-sanctioned presidential forum of the 2008 election cycle, will be held at the Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, on Monday, July 23, at and will air live on CNN. The Republican presidential forum hosted by CNN and YouTube will take place on Monday, Sept 17, in Florida.

Questions for the Democratic Debate can be submitted until July 22.

It will be much like a national town hall meeting of sorts. Very interesting format for people just like you and me and many of our friends.

What do you think about it? I'd love to hear your reaction.

It is still not too late to get your question in!


Anonymous said...

This debate has potential to be great example of democracy at its finest, but after reading "Barack, Answer Me!" in recent Newsweek it appears that CNN still gets the last word since they get to choose what questions make it to the debate floor rather than letting the most popular ones on YouTube make the cut? Which do you think is the fairer way to go?

Larry James said...

Chris, good question! I think it would be best to ask the most popular questions after screening for the inappropriate. It will be interesting to watch.