If you care about jobs creation. . .
Or, the environment. . .
Or, national energy independence. . .
Or, the renewal of urban, inner city communities. . .
Or, re-energizing our national economy in a sustainable manner. . .
Then, you need to hear Van Jones.
Go here to see what he says!
Reactions appreciated.
By the way, we hope Mr. Jones will join us in Dallas in the not too distant future for a conversation. We'll keep you posted.
By the way-2, Mr. Jones' book, The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems, will be the subject of our Urban Engagement Book Club next week, Thursday, March 5, noon until 1:15 p.m. at the Highland Park United Methodist Church. Join us!
Van Jones is brilliant in a way. He's an old-style activist--a political animal who is looking to government to fund his revolution. It is also a brilliant move to link the issues of race and class to the green movement.
The so called green jobs are based on a hoax, that humans, especially Americans, are responsible for global warming and therefore responsible for fixing it.
A majority of people believe this green garbage, so corporations get on the bandwagon. If you are a corporation and you manufacture a product, it is much easier to convince people to buy that product if they think they are doing something for the environment, for the green movement, for global warming. It's much easier to sell that product on this basis rather than "Hey, buy this so that our profits go up." It's a great marketing scheme because it makes the people feel good and it works even though it's based on a hoax.
It's evidently working for Van Jones because he's getting rich off our tax dollars.
Chris, GO AWAY! you need to start your own conspiracy site.... You never have anything positive to say do you?
Global warming is just a fact. The average temperatures are telling us so. The only question is how much humans are contributing. And the overwhelming majority of climate scientists believe the answer to that question is that people are a significant contributing factor. You remind me of a hardened smoker in 1975 still denying it causes cancer.
Leaving that aside, we still need to clean up our act because we are pouring millions of tons of chemicals onto our fields and from their into our oceans and we are clogging landfills and on and on. There's just really no downside to trying to clean up our ways. And that includes cleaning up our air - whether the motivation is global warming or so that those of us who live in cities can breath freely.
There are over 6B of us and growing. I just can't imagine how anyone can be against becoming less of a burden to the planet.
Global warming is NOT just a fact. There are plenty of qualified scientists who do not believe it. Their voices are not being heard. If they speak up their careers are in peril.
Global warming is a religion and America is seen as the chief sinner. We are going to be made to pay for our sins by more government control.
The truth is, global temperatures have not risen for 10 years. As a matter of fact every time Al Gore opens his mouth is comes a snowstorm. As I write several states are blanketed in snow and it is March.
From two widely respected sources (NASA and National Geographic):
• Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8degree Celsius) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades, according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
• The rate of warming is increasing. The 20th century's last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia, according to a number of climate studies. And the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850.
And you didn't even address the other part of the equation: why would we NOT want to clean up our environment?
The 2009 International Conference on Climate Change is schuduled for March 8-10 in New York City. The event will serve as a platform for scientists and policy analysts from around the world who question the theory of man-made climate change. This years theme "Global Warming: Was it Ever Really a Crisis?" calls attention to NEW RESEARCH FINDINGS THAT CONTRADICT THE CONCLUSIONS OF THE LATEST iNTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE (IPCC) REPORT.
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