Monday, September 13, 2010

Poverty and education

Eric Jensen has something to say about education and low-income children.  Jensen outlines his learning and approach in his book, Teaching with Poverty in Mind: What Being Poor Does to Kids' Brains and What Schools Can Do About It

Jensen really "gets it" when it comes to understanding the very real, day-to-day dynamics assoicated with poverty.  Children and families face challenges and difficulties that most of us simply do not understand.  Jensen's research and experience provide enlightenment and insight for anyone interested in really understanding the world of the poor.  Every urban public school teacher or leader needs to listen to Jensen. 

Jensen's understanding leads to hope, not dispair. 

He speaks to "changing brains for the better."  He outlines "upside potential" for children from poor families. 

If you care about public education, you need to spend some time with Eric Jensen. 

To meet Jensen and to listen to his ideas click .


Anonymous said...

'Tired of black / African-American people repeatedly being featured as the "faces" of poverty, such as this book does. The fact is, more white / Anglo-American people in America are poor than are black. How about people start showing that?

Anonymous said...

Two things for the poster "Anonymous."

First, read the book before you judge the book by its cover.

Second, poverty is about the devastating effects on the brain. That happens to all of us. The ethnicity that has the highest percentage in poverty in US is Native American. Would you rather see the cover shot of a Native American? As a culture, they get very tired of being the face of poverty, too. Poverty sucks for anyone.

Once you read the book, you'll see the ideal place to direct your energy is towards changing lives.

Larry James is committed to change, and it does not start with book covers. It starts with what you do everyday to change lives.