Monday, November 29, 2010

Children rally for fairness. . .by faith

Recently, I received a copy of the "lobbying" plan developed by a group of 6th grade Sunday School members who live in St. Louis, Missouri.  I've reproduced their simple booklet that they created for a trip to their state capitol.  They met with representatives to argue for a new state policy that would create an earned income tax provision for working people in their state. 

I find the media that they developed for their trip to be most effective. 

Even more impressive is the fact that their teachers and their congregation clearly established a link between faith and fairness in public policy. 

Seen anything like this coming out of your Sunday School lately? 


Randy Mayeux said...

In addition to agreeing with the position of these young lobbyists, there is a powerful communication lesson here.

Jason Fried (37Signals, co-author of ReWork) recently argued for boiling all important messages down to a single sentence. "The future belongs to the best editors," he wrote. (Take a look at my blog post about this:–-economize-words-the-future-belongs-to-the-best-editors-says-jason-fried/

And a still popular business best-seller is this book: The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures by Dan Roam.

So -- this is a valuable communication lesson, as well as a worthwhile lobbying attempt.

Unknown said...

Amen and AMEN.

Chris said...

This happened almost 10 years ago and it was not a Sunday school but rather a Catholic middle school and was the brain child of liberal teachers.

Regardless whether the poor should get income tax credit or not, (I'm sure they do by now) God does not make everyone equal in ability and people are free to mess up their lives at will. The poor do not pay Federal income tax so they get a big break there.