Tuesday, March 05, 2013


This graphic video speaks for itself.

 No need to add a word.

Time now for action!


Anonymous said...


rcorum said...

I have no problem with background checks, but please tell me how this would have prevented the death of this beautiful young lady? I have been asking myself over and over this simple question. "How do you stop the gun violence that killed her?" To me what happened in New Town and what happened to her require different responses. What are you thoughts?

rcorum said...

Sorry. "Your thoughts"

Anonymous said...

rcorum: I agree there is no simple, or one size fits all, answer to this problem. But I think it's a lot like drunk driving. A lot of people said you could not legislate such a prblem away. But we tried, and low and behold, we have cut the number of deaths from drunk driving in half in 30 years. But when it come to guns, people simply oppose trying.

rcorum said...

Anon 2:54, I agree that it a complex issue, but my question is not really complex. This young lady was killed by gang gun violence. Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country and also one of the highest murder rates. I am not saying nothing should be done, but rather what should be done to stop gun violence that does not involve legally registered guns, but does involve pistols and not assault weapons. I don't see how anything that is being proposed does anything to stop what happened to her. My fear is that we often legislate based on raw emotions and not unbiased facts. By the way, I am not a member of the NRA and I do not have a permit to carry. I just wish someone would address the problem of gun violence among gang members that is claiming many more people than those killed with assault rifles. I would love to hear from Larry.

Anonymous said...

rcorum: With respect, I do not think the question is fair. You can only reduce the number of guns and the overall number of people who die. You cannot do anything that will prevent every death or any one particular death.

rcorum said...

I used the young lady as an example simply because she was the topic of Larry's post. Let me give it one more try. I simply want to know what is the best way to proceed to curb inner city gun violence where guns are almost never registered. I know that no law can prevent all gun violence, but with all the attention on assult weapons whatever is done about them does nothing about inner city gun violence. How do you reduce the number of guns that are by in large obtained illegally in the first place? Still waiting on Larry's response. I am opened minded on this.