Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sunday Meditation: Hate Overcome By Love

Jeremy Gregg, Director of Development here at Central Dallas Ministries, sent me this stunning photograph of Pope Benedict XVI taken recently during his trip to Poland when he visited Auschwitz-Birkenau, site of the infamous Nazi concentration camps during World War II.

The power of this image is its ability to lead mind, soul, body and spirit in a reflective and experiential journey via meditation.

Hate remains an overwhelming force and persistent challenge in our world today.

Certainly it is aggressively at work in our cities.

Love stands over against hate.

With amazing strength and surprising beauty, love finds new ways to open pathways through, around and far beyond the foolish limitations of hate, racism and intolerance.

Hate is incredibly narrow.

Love is panoramic by comparison.

Hate dashes hopes and terminates promises.

Love opens up the world and flings, through the tears of heaven, the refracted light of a living God across the one sky that we all must share.

We must remember the death camps, the hate centers of Auschwitz and Birkenau. We dare not forget.

But as we reflect on the hatred, let us claim the certain victory of strong, daring, unstoppable love.

Love wins. . . always.

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