Sunday, April 08, 2007


Easter is about hope.

Life presses on us circumstances, pain, defeat, fear and doubt at such a depth and pace that without hope we find no reason whatsoever for going on.

But, hope lives among us. Or, if it doesn't at this moment, it can be reborn.

Years ago it became very clear to me that if a child has hope, she will learn to read at grade level, no matter what other factors in her world may be out of whack. Everything may not be perfect. A world full of fear and challenge may surround the child, but with hope, great things are not only just possible, they are within reach.

I've observed much the same thing in the eyes of my homeless friends. A basic hope in what is ahead keeps the most challenged life moving on with a sense that better things are ahead or could be.

Life hard wires us for hope.

Hope feels genetic.

Hope fuels communities.

Hope rallies families.

Hope fires the poorest church in the inner city.

Hope knocks the single parent out of bed every morning and sends her into another day of hard work, as she thinks of the better life her kids will enjoy.

Hope moves people all over the world to find and to carve out a better life, a better world.

Hope makes acts of great risk and courage feel routine.

Life teaches us all about the power of darkness, doubt and despair.

Easter calls us back to hope.

Darkness does not have, cannot have the last word.

Death surely will not win out. Life prevails.

And, even here, no matter what, hope lives!

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