Lillian Kwon filed a story with the Christian Post Reporter on Tuesday, Nov. 25 2008 worth a look. "Why do good in a hopeless world?" is the question posed by biblical scholar N. T. Wright to students at Harvard University.
Mystery follows, but the emphasis is needed.
Check it out:
In a post-September 11 world where the AIDS crisis and now the credit crisis are ailing millions, "why should we try to make a difference at all?" asked Anglican Bishop N.T. Wright. "Why should we try to do good ... to create good things out there in the world when in fact all the hope that our society has lived on seems to be imploding all around us?"
Ultimately, it's the belief and hope that the world will be good and ordered as it was in the beginning.
"The point of creation in the Bible is that the world as we have it is essentially a good place," Wright said. "One of the worrying things about some creationists is that having said the world was created in [six] days, that's all they're really interested in, and then the name of the game is to leave the world behind ... and let it go to hell while we go off somewhere else called heaven. If you were a genuine creationist, you shouldn't be thinking like that. The point of the stories in Genesis is not the chronology of how it was done but the why that it was done."
Wright was speaking at a Nov. 18-20 evangelistic outreach at the Harvard campus in Cambridge, Mass. The event was sponsored by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, a nationwide evangelical campus organization, which aimed to engage students and faculty in dialogue on questions regarding life's ultimate purposes and Christianity's claims regarding hope.
Contrary to popular belief, heaven is not the end of the world or the ultimate goal, Wright stated. It's just phase one. Further down, there's a "new heaven and new earth" – in other words, a renewal or recreation of the cosmos, he explained. He called it a "world put to rights."
Read the entire report here.
As another British theologian, Michael Green, said:
" We have no means whatever of conceiving what a resurrection body or a restored universe will be like. Those who think they can map out a detailed programme of what will happen at the second coming should remember that despite the prophecies of Scripture, nobody got the details of the first coming right!"
Wright's thoughts make a good argument for creation care (an issues within the scope of social justice) as well.
Wright is the greatest Christian apologist since C.S. Lewis. His thinking is always sharp and lucid. What a great question! I'm sure Wright's full answer is well worth consideration. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
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